Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Film Poster Analysis

Blade Runner:
1)  I think the story is set with a futuristic feel to it, where lots of chaos occurs. It could be a conflict between the main hero and villain. The conflict could be about the worlds the main characters are from which could be very different.
2) Blade Runner looks as though it would belong to the sci-fi genre.
3)  The target audience seems like it is young adults.

Scary Movie 2:
1) The story line could be based on the group of friends who see a scary film and almost become a part of the film. It might be about a simple trip out gone wrong. The mise en scene (Actors Expressions) suggest that there may be more to the basic assumption and therefore helps to encourage people to watch it.
2) The genre is both comedy and horror. Comedy as Scary Movie 2 is a parody of classic movies prior such as Scream and others like The House On Haunted Hill.
3) The target audience seems to be teens and young adults. The tagline seems to anchor the meaning of the film that the film has a very easy going story line.

1) The story line seems to be documentary based. This is because the denotations of the poster indicating the dull colours could be emphasizing a sad nature to the film. The name of the film UZAK seems like a individuals name and there is only one person on the poster suggesting that UZAK is him. The story line could possibly be based upon a man who has had a harsh upbringing and is looking for the solution to his pain.
2) The genre is documentary based,
3) I think the target audience is 16/17+ as the content may be too disturbing for children any younger than this.

I'm not scared:
1) I think this story is about a boy who is trying to overcome his fears by going on some sort of an adventure. The actors expressions (Mise en scene)  could suggest that the actor is asking himself a question of "Shall I? Shan't I?. The typography in the title is in bold and capital letters which could suggest that the boy is brave but might be preparing to shout the title words down the ditch/hole.
2) The genre seems to be adventure but also action contrasted by the bright blue sky which suggests a happy ending to the story
3) The target audience seems to be young teenagers of around 14yrs+

Sin City:
1) Hence forth of the name this story could be about people who are fighting against one another due to the horrible sins they have committed. The connotation of the word city, could mean that the sins are so bad that mayhem could arise.
2) The genre is action and adventure thriller.
3) The target audience is young adults of ages 15+. I think any younger children may be frighted of the content.

Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest:
Looking at the poster we can tell that the genre is action/adventure orientated. This is shown by the props used in the poster, such as the boats that seem to be pictured on rough seas.  Furthermore, the gun in Sparrows hand and the the fire behind the skull denotes danger. The mise en scene (actors expressions) all vary which could suggest  that they have alter motives, Sparrow looks content but with a slight grin on his face. While Orlando Bloom has a look of displeasure and Kira Knightly looks like she is guilty of something. The target audience is 13/14+ years.

Bride & Prejudice:
The immediate genre that I can link with this film is romantic comedy. The target audience is 15+ years. This is due to the fact that some of the content may be inappropriate for a younger audience. The story line seems to be about to totally different people who have been brought together through marriage. The different worlds is shown with the contrast of city based builds in the distant for the male and the Taj Mahal in the distant for the woman. However, the connotation of the word "prejudice" and the extra characters in the background on the female's side suggests that she may have preconceived opinions about marriage.

Million Dollar Baby:
The genre I would associate with million dollar baby is action yet adventure. The target audience might be that of  23+ years old. The story line seems to be very mysterious, this is shown in the mise en scene of the actors expressions being fairly serious and not looking directly at the camera, The use of the dull colours connotes a possible tragic or sad ending.

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